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16 Contoh Ucapan Selamat Malam Romantis dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru ~ MBI

16 Contoh Ucapan Selamat Malam Romantis dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru - Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu bahasa yang paling banyak digunakan oleh seluruh orang didunia, itu sebabnya bahasa inggris dijadikan sebagai bahasa internasional. Belajar bahasa inggris bisa dibilang adalah hal yang cukup penting, baik untuk para siswa atau pun untuk masyarakat umum. Nah situs Mentor Bahasa Inggris (MBI) adalah salah satu media pembelajaran bahasa inggris online yang bisa diakses secara gratis untuk siapapun yang ingin mengenal lebih jauh tentang seluk beluk bahasa inggris.

Kami mengimpun berbagai hal yang berkaitan dengan pembelajaran atau penerapan bahasa inggris. Kali ini kita akan coba membahas tentang 16 Contoh Ucapan Selamat Malam Romantis dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru. Tertarik untuk mengetahuinya? Jika demikian adanya, maka tidak ada salahnya jika Anda melanjutkan membaca artikel ini hingga selesai supaya bisa memahami dengan baik. Baiklah tidak usah berlama-lama yuk langsung kita simak saja ulasan lengkapnya dibawah ini.

Pembahasan Lengkap 16 Contoh Ucapan Selamat Malam Romantis dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru

16 Contoh Ucapan Selamat Malam Romantis dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru – Ingin ucapkan selamat malam kepada kekasih Anda? Mari kita lihat berbagai jenis contoh kalimat ucapan selamat malam romantis berikut ini.

1. Sleep tight, dear. I want to meet you in my dream. Good night.

2. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow, my sunshine. Have a good rest. Good night.

3. Honey, I imagine your beautiful face now, your soft voice, and your sweet smile. See the stars on the sky. They wink at you. Have a nice dream. Good night.

4. Sleep soon, my sweetheart. Take a rest. I have a gift for you in the morning. I miss you. Good night.

5. This is me now that will accompany your night and your rest. Don’t be afraid of the darkness, I will be your light. Don’t be afraid of the wind. I will be you blanket to make you warm. I love you. Good night.

6. I have a dream. My dream is waking up next to you. Love you, my beloved. Good night.

7. The sun rise and set every day. No one knows when the world will stop.
But, my love will not stop. I will always love you. Sleep tight. Good night, my love! See you tomorrow.

8. You are the sun and the moon of my world. You are the queen of my kingdom. You are my everything. Have a good night, my sweetheart.

9. Home is where the love is. You are my home. I want you to be healthy everyday, everytime. Have a good rest. Good night, my honey.

10. I have fallen asleep and suddenly woke up. I forgot something to say before I sleep. That is I love you. Good night, my beloved girl.

11. My bloom, please smile before you sleep and smile again when you wake up. Imagine that I’m next to you. I send my hug from here. Love you. Good night.

12. I love the stars in the sky, but they are nothing compared to you. Your eyes are more shining and dazzling. I always think of that eyes that light me up. Sleep tight, honey. Have a nice dream. Good night.

13. This day is going to an end. I am happy to spend my life time loving you. Thank my love for always being with me. May all the angels guard you when you are sleeping. I love you more and more. Good night.

14. Welcome to the “Dream” travel. The passenger on bed, please hug your pillow and wear your blanket. Please say I love you to your boyfriend/girlfriend before you go to the dreamland. Your boyfriend/girlfriend is missing you. Good night.

15. Do you know what makes me so much grateful everyday? Because I have you in my life. Because you are my favourite that comes into my life and make it brighter than ever. Please always stand by me. I love you. Have a nice dream, my sweetheart.

16. What a great life! I am very happy to have your love. You are my sweet dream and reality at once. The nightmare is when I wake up and I find that you don’t love me anymore. I believe that you will not. Have a good rest. Sleep tight, honey. Good night.

Demikian ulasan mengenai 16 Contoh Ucapan Selamat Malam Romantis dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru yang bisa kami sampaikan untuk Anda semuanya. Kami harap uraian diatas bisa menambah wawasan untuk kita semua, terlebih untuk Anda yang saat ini sedang mencarinya. Tak lupa kami haturkan banyak terima kasih karena sudah menyempatkan waktu mampir ke situs mentorbahasainggris. blogspot. com dan membaca ulasan diatas hingga selesai. Sampai jumpa di pembahasan kami selanjutnya dan jangan lupa bahagia.


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