2 Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Singkat di Tempat Laundry ~ MBI
Kami mengimpun berbagai hal yang berkaitan dengan pembelajaran atau penerapan bahasa inggris. Kali ini kita akan coba membahas tentang 2 Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Singkat di Tempat Laundry. Tertarik untuk mengetahuinya? Jika demikian adanya, maka tidak ada salahnya jika Anda melanjutkan membaca artikel ini hingga selesai supaya bisa memahami dengan baik. Baiklah tidak usah berlama-lama yuk langsung kita simak saja ulasan lengkapnya dibawah ini.
Pembahasan Lengkap 2 Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Singkat di Tempat Laundry
2 Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Singkat di Tempat Laundry – Seberapa sering Anda mencuci di jasa Laundry kiloan? Mungkin banyak dari kita yang memilih untuk kadang-kadang saja memesan di jasa tersebut, namun banyak pula yang memilih untuk terus menggunakannya. Ngomong-ngomong soal laundry, di bawah ini, saya menulis dua buah percakapan yang bertopik pada hal tadi. Semoga bisa menjadi referensi yang bermanfaat bagi Anda.
A : good morning miss.
B : Good morning. What can I do for you sir?
A : I need to wash all of my clothes here.
B : Ok sir. Here the cost washing clothes is Rp 8.000 per kilos.
A : How long that will finish?
B : It takes two one day. There is another choice the cost is Rp. 20.000 Per kilos, but you just can wait two hours until the clothes are finished to wash. Which service do you want sir?
A : I choose the fast one, because I will wear it this night to my friend wedding party.
B : Can you give your clothes please. I will weigh them.
A: Sure, here it is miss.
B : The total of your clothes are 5 kilos. So you have to pay Rp. 100.000.
A : Ok miss, here is the money.
B : Ok thank you sir. Is there any delivery service in this laundry? I still have a teaching time. I cannot wait here for my clothes.
A : Sure , there is also delivery service here. The cost is only Rp 10. 000. May I know where your address is and what time do you want your clothes are delivered?
B : Yes . I live on jl. Sisingamangaraja, South Salemba 30, I want my clothes delivered at one a clock in the afternoon. And this is Rp 10.000 for the delivery payment.
A : Ok your clothes will be delivered on time. Thank you very much and have a nice day.
B : Yeah, you are welcome.
Conversation II
A ; Hey there, how are you?
B : Good , how about you?
A : I am good. Do you come to Laundromat often?
B : Yeah, I come about once a week. How about you?
A : I come about once every two weeks. I have a lot of clothes
B : Oh okay, it looks like you have a lot.
A: Yeah my light-colored clothes are over there, and my dark clothes are here.
B : I see. I do not separate mine.
A : Don’t the color fade and stain?
B : not really I use mild laundry detergent
A : Oh, I use strong detergent so I know my clothes are really clean.
B : That make sense. What about white clothes? Do you separate those too?
A ; I sure do. I hate when they change color.
B : Yeah me too. I separate my white clothing
A : I think most people do. It is not too much trouble.
B : Laundry actually is not bad.
A : Yeah I like the smell and feel of freshly clean clothes.
B : Me too. I bet it cost quite a bit to wash all of those clothes, though
A : Yeah it does. I come here only when I need to.
B : Alright. Looks like my laundry is done. I will see you later
A : Okay Bye.
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