52 Contoh Kalimat Fakta dan Opini dalam Bahasa Inggris ~ MBI
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Uraian Lengkap 52 Contoh Kalimat Fakta dan Opini dalam Bahasa Inggris
Contoh Kalimat Fakta dan Opini dalam Bahasa Inggris – Bagaimana bentuk kalimat fakta dan opini dalam bahasa Inggris? Silakan lihat contoh-contoh kalimat berikut ini.
Contoh Kalimat Fakta
1. There was an accident which killed 15 people this afternoon.
2. There was a tsunami in Aceh in 2006.
3. A mother holds her child in her womb for nine months.
4. Indonesia has thousands of islands.
5. Soekarno was the first president of Indonesia.
6. Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia.
7. The eruption of Krakatau volcano was the greatest eruption ever in Indonesia.
8. Sun rises east and sets in west.
9. A day is twenty four hours.
10. My father is a teacher.
11. Indonesia has three different zones of time.
12. Water flows from the high place to the low place.
13. Our independence day is on 17 of August, 1945.
14. Moon orbits the earth.
15. Bogor city is in the West Java region.
16. Cow produces milk which is full of benefits for human’s body.
17. Anies Baswedan is the education minister of Indonesia,
18. I have one brother and no sister.
19. Abraham Samad is the leader of Indonesia’s corruption eradication commission.
20. Oxford is one of many English dictionaries.
21. There are four main skills in English: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
22. In general, tree has three parts: root, trunk, and crown.
23. Some people make reading as their hobby.
24. Vegetables and fruits contain many vitamins which is good for our health.
25. Mobile phone and laptop are examples of developed technology in this era.
Contoh Kalimat Opini
1. The more you eat, the stronger you will be.
2. Woman must not have long hair.
3. Fatty foods are not suggested for baby.
4. Fresh foods are suggested for old people.
5. There will rain if there is a thunder.
6. We will be smell good if we take a bath every morning.
7. Running for 1 kilometers is so tiring.
8. Vegetables will taste delicious if we add a little salt.
9. Bandar Lampung is friendly city in Indonesia.
10. If I live in United States of America, I will be happier.
11. Meatball will be more delicious if we eat it in the rainy day.
12. The government should be firmer toward the corruptor.
13. Eating 2 apples everyday can prevent us from any kind of disease.
14. Durian is very good.
15. Rendang is the most delicious food in the world.
16. She will look beautiful if she wears red gown.
17. Woman likes make-up.
18. Reading will help you to be more intelligent and good at working.
19. Smart phone is everybody’s need in this era.
20. Cyber world is very dangerous for us and should avoid it.
21. Every man can ride motorcycle better than woman does.
22. Syahrini is the most beautiful celebrity in Indonesia.
23. Grammar is the most difficult part in learning English.
24. Gadget is more important than money.
25. People can buy happiness.
26. Diet is good way for people who want to be beautiful and handsome.
27. Pizza is better than burger because it is more expensive.
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