7 Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Mengungkapkan Kesedihan dan Simpati | Expressing Sadness or Sympathy ~ MBI
Namun sebelum kita masuk ke pembahasan, ada baiknya saya menyapa sobat pembaca semuanya. Bagaimana kabar kalian? Semoga sehat dan bahagia selalu. Kami ucapkan selamat datang di situs Mentor Bahasa Inggris. Sebuah situs sederhana yang menyediakan informasi gratis untuk siapapun yang ingin mempelajari bahasa inggris secara lebih serius. Nah, langsung ke pembahasannya saja yuk?.
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7 Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Mengungkapkan Kesedihan dan Simpati | Expressing Sadness or Sympathy – Mari kita simak tujuh contoh percakapan di bawah ini. 🙂
Percakapan 1
Santo : Hi Tantri, do you know my sister, Iren?
Tantri : Of course I know her so well, she is my brother’s best friend.
Santo : She passed away this morning.
Tantri : Oh my God, I am so sorry to hear that. Is she sick?
Santo : No, she got an accident when she went home last night. She was hospitalized but…
Tantri : Go on, I am here with you.
Percakapan 2
Tini : Hello, Wanto, you look dejected. What’s wrong?
Wanto : My grandma passed away in Surabaya, Tini.
Tini : It’s terribly. I am sorry to hear that, Wan. How old was she?
Wanto : She was eighty seven years old.
Tini : She was old
Wanto : the doctor said that she had been having a hard time with many complications.
Tini : When is her funeral?
Wanto : Tomorrow. I am going to buy a ticket to go to Surabaya now. Do you want to accompany me?
Tini : I know how you feel. I am here with you. I will accompany you. Don’t worry.
Percakapan 3
Gesta : I heard that you have cancelled your flight to go abroad.
Heidy : Yes. My mother didn’t allow me to go.
Gesta : What a terrible situation.
Heidy : Thank you. I think I’ll focus on some business here.
Gesta : The fact that your mother didn’t allow you to go is unpredictable.
Heidy : Yes. She is the one who always supports me. I have to cancel my business in German.
Gesta : Maybe, she worries about you.
Heidy : Maybe. I don’t know.
Percakapan 4
Sandra : I heard that Tiara got an accident.
Wita : Yes, the accident has her them away. I hope she rest in peace.
Sandra : I know how her parents feel. I sympathize with them.
Wita : That’s very kind of you.
Percakapan 5
Lika : Finally I pass the mathematics test. It is really a difficult test.
Mila : Yes. I’m happy for you. I didn’t pass the test.
Lika : How come? What a pity! You have to study harder. I believe that you cando better next time.
Mila : Yes. I think I can ask the teacher to have another test, and also I need her to consult.
Percakapan 6
Putri : Where is your new wallet that I bought you it for you last week?
Putra : I lost it this morning. I think I dropped it somewhere or maybe I forgot whete I put it.
Putri : Oh what a nuisance. You also lost your money then? You have to be careful next time.
Putra : Yes, and also my ID Card. I will search it again at home in case I just forgot, not lose it.
Percakapan 7
Yuna : So, when are you going to go to Los Angeles?
Jesika : I should have left last month, but …
Yuna : What’s the matter? What’s wrong?
Jesika : My visa to go there has not been ready yet until now.
Yuna : What a terrible situation? I’m very sorry to hear that.
Jesika : Thanks. You are a kind friend.
Viki : It will be on your left side. It’s on the corner, next to the Police office. Do you want me to repeat it?
Peter : No, thanks. That was a very clear direction. Thank you very much, sir.
Viki : It’s fine. Take care.
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