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Contoh Latihan Soal tentang Independent and Dependent Clause beserta Jawabannya ~ MBI

Contoh Latihan Soal tentang Independent and Dependent Clause beserta Jawabannya - Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu bahasa yang paling banyak digunakan oleh seluruh orang didunia, itu sebabnya bahasa inggris dijadikan sebagai bahasa internasional. Belajar bahasa inggris bisa dibilang adalah hal yang cukup penting, baik untuk para siswa atau pun untuk masyarakat umum. Nah situs Mentor Bahasa Inggris (MBI) adalah salah satu media pembelajaran bahasa inggris online yang bisa diakses secara gratis untuk siapapun yang ingin mengenal lebih jauh tentang seluk beluk bahasa inggris.

Kami mengimpun berbagai hal yang berkaitan dengan pembelajaran atau penerapan bahasa inggris. Kali ini kita akan coba membahas tentang Contoh Latihan Soal tentang Independent and Dependent Clause beserta Jawabannya. Tertarik untuk mengetahuinya? Jika demikian adanya, maka tidak ada salahnya jika Anda melanjutkan membaca artikel ini hingga selesai supaya bisa memahami dengan baik. Baiklah tidak usah berlama-lama yuk langsung kita simak saja ulasan lengkapnya dibawah ini.

Pembahasan Lengkap Contoh Latihan Soal tentang Independent and Dependent Clause beserta Jawabannya

Contoh Latihan Soal tentang Independent and Dependent Clause beserta Jawabannya – Independent and dependent clause adalah dua jenis klausa dalam bahasa Inggris. Kedua jenis klausa tersebut berbeda antara satu dengan yang lainnya. Perbedaannya adalah pada penggunaan kata hubung (subordinators). Independent clause dapat berdiri sendiri sebagai sebuah kalimat dan disebut sebagai kalimat sederhana / induk kalimat, sedangkan dependent clause tidak (disebut sebagai anak kalimat). Agar lebih jelasnya, berikut ini adalah contoh latihan soal tentang independent and dependent clause beserta jawabannya.


I. Write IC for Independent Clause or DC for Dependent Clause in the space to the left of each group of words. Then, add a period (.) if it is an IC or underline the time subordinator if it is DC.


_IC__ 1. I take a walk around the block.
­_DC_ 2. Before I go to work
_____ 3. Doing some outdoor activities wake up my body and clear my mind
_____ 4. It’s hard to do this in the winter
_____ 5. When I go to work
_____ 6. It is still dark
_____ 7. After I get home from work
_____ 8. It is dark again
_____ 9. I can always take a walk on weekends, even in the winter
_____ 10. When it is raining, of course
_____ 11. I never go out
_____ 12. As soon as the school bell rings
_____ 13. I turn over and go back to sleep


II. Underline the independent clauses with a solid line and the dependent clauses with a broken line. Add comma (,) if one is needed.


  1. After we won the lottery last year, my wife and I decided to take a trip.
  2. We were very excited when we won.
  3. After we got out first payment we started planning a trip to Italy.
  4. We wrote to our cousins in Rome and told them our plans before we left on our trip.
  5. As soon as they received our letter they called and invited us to stay with them.
  6. When we arrived they were waiting at the airport.
  7. They waited outside while the Italian officials checked our passport and luggage.
  8. Finally, they drove us to their home after we got our suitcases.
  9. They wanted to feed us as soon as we arrived at their apartment.
  10. We ate one delicious home-cooked dish after another until we were stuffed.
  11. As soon as our heads hit the pillows we fell asleep.
  12. Since we left home almost twenty-four hours had passed.

III. Match a clause from column A with a clause from column B to make a complex sentence.


1.      The trip began badly

2.      It was almost noon

3.      As soon as my fishing line was thrown out

4.      I spent most of the afternoon untangling my line

5.      After a couple of hours of fishing with my brothers

6.      We were totally wet

7.      When we got back home

8.      It will be a long, long time

a.       Before we could put on our rain jackets

b.      When we had a flat tire on the way to the lake

c.       Until my brothers go fishing with me again

d.      I immediately took a hot shower

e.       While each of my brothers had caught many fish

f.        It got caught in some underwater weeds

g.      Before we started fishing

h.      It started to rain



Kunci Jawaban:



_IC__ 1. I take a walk around the block.
­_DC_ 2. Before I go to work
_IC__ 3. Doing some outdoor activities wake up my body and clear my mind.
_IC__ 4. It’s hard to do this in the winter.
_DC_ 5. When I go to work
_IC__ 6. It is still dark.
_DC_ 7. After I get home from work
_IC__ 8. It is dark again.
_DC_ 9. I can always take a walk on weekends, even in the winter.
_IC__ 10. When it is raining, of course
_IC__ 11. I never go out.
_DC_ 12. As soon as the school bell rings
_IC__ 13. I turn over and go back to sleep.



  1. After we won the lottery last year, my wife and I decided to take a trip.
  2. We were very excited when we won.
  3. After we got out first payment, we started planning a trip to Italy.
  4. We wrote to our cousins in Rome and told them our plans before we left on our trip.
  5. As soon as they received our letter, they called and invited us to stay with them.
  6. When we arrived, they were waiting at the airport.
  7. They waited outside while the Italian officials checked our passport and luggage.
  8. Finally, they drove us to their home after we got our suitcases.
  9. They wanted to feed us as soon as we arrived at their apartment.
  10. We ate one delicious home-cooked dish after another until we were stuffed.
  11. As soon as our heads hit the pillows, we fell asleep.
  12. Since we left home, almost twenty-four hours had passed.




  1. 1-b
  2. 2-g
  3. 3-f
  4. 4-e
  5. 5-h
  6. 6-a
  7. 7-d
  8. 8-c


Demikianlah contoh latihan soal tentang independent and dependent clause beserta jawabannya. Dengan banyak berlatih soal, teman – teman akan dapat menambah pemahaman tentang bahasa Inggris. Semoga bermanfaat!

Demikian ulasan mengenai Contoh Latihan Soal tentang Independent and Dependent Clause beserta Jawabannya yang bisa kami sampaikan untuk Anda semuanya. Kami harap uraian diatas bisa menambah wawasan untuk kita semua, terlebih untuk Anda yang saat ini sedang mencarinya. Tak lupa kami haturkan banyak terima kasih karena sudah menyempatkan waktu mampir ke situs mentorbahasainggris. blogspot. com dan membaca ulasan diatas hingga selesai. Sampai jumpa di pembahasan kami selanjutnya dan jangan lupa bahagia.


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