Kumpulan Soal Bahasa Inggris Untuk SD dan SMP Terbaru Beserta Jawabannya ~ MBI
Namun sebelum kita masuk ke pembahasan, ada baiknya saya menyapa sobat pembaca semuanya. Bagaimana kabar kalian? Semoga sehat dan bahagia selalu. Kami ucapkan selamat datang di situs Mentor Bahasa Inggris. Sebuah situs sederhana yang menyediakan informasi gratis untuk siapapun yang ingin mempelajari bahasa inggris secara lebih serius. Nah, langsung ke pembahasannya saja yuk?.
Uraian Lengkap Kumpulan Soal Bahasa Inggris Untuk SD dan SMP Terbaru Beserta Jawabannya
Kumpulan Soal Bahasa Inggris Untuk SD dan SMP Terbaru Beserta Jawabannya – Anda perlu berbagai macam soal bahasa Inggris untuk SD dan SMP? Silakan gunakan soal-soal berikut ini untuk diujikan kepada siswa-siswa Anda. 🙂
How much is it?
1. Fill in the blank!
1. 10=…
2. 25=…
3. 30=…
4. 95=…
5. 100=…
6. 120=…
7. 250=…
8. 830=…
9. 1000=…
10. 1500=…
2. Match the number with the words!
1. 346
2. 801
3. 1300
4. 133
5. 1400
a. One thousand and four hundred
b. One thousand and three hundred
c. One hundred and thirty three
d. Three hundred and forty six
e. Eight hundred and one
3. Arrange the words!
1. 260
Sixty – thousand and – two
___ ___ ____ ______
2. 703
Seventy – three – and – hundred
____ _____ _____ ______
3. 680
Hundred – and – six – eighty
___ ___ ____ _____
4. 1700
One – seven – hundred – thousand – and
___ ____ ____ ____ ____
5. 3100
Thousand – three – one – hundred – and
_____ ______ _____ _____ ______
4. John is given some money by his father for his birthday. So, he goes to the market to buy something. Please help John buy the thing!
Rp. 35.000
Rp. 45. 500
Rp. 5.000
Rp. 750.000
Rp. 230.000
Answer the question based on the picture!
1. How much is the car?
2. How much is the robot?
3. How much is the pencil?
4. How much is the bag?
5. How much is the cycle?
B. What time is it?
1. Answer the question bellow!
What time is it?
1. 6.10=
2. 7.30=
3. 8.45=
4. 9.00=
5. 10.15=
6. 12.00=
7. 4.20=
8. 13.50=
9. 15.04=
10. 19.45=
2. Answer this question below!
1. My teacher comes to school at seventeen past six every day. ___
2. They watch football match at fourteen past five. ___
3. Andi came home at ten to twelve last night ___
4. My family and I have dinner at half past seven tonight___
5. We study at school at seven o’clock in the morning ___
6. Diana goes to bed at nine o’clock. ___
7. Anne finished his homework at a quarter past seven. __
8. My uncle goes to Jakarta at a quarter to seven. __
9. My mother and I clean our house at half past eight. ___
10. My father takes me to school at half past six. ___
3. Choose the best answer!
I waked up at 5.00 o’clock in the morning. After getting up, I took a bath for 15 minutes.
And then I was preparing my school instrument such as book, shoes, uniform, etc. when I was about to wear my shoes, my mother called me to have a breakfast. I had my breakfast at six thirty. My father didn’t have a breakfast with us. He had gone to the office earlier.
After finishing my breakfast, I went to school at seven o’clock. My house is far enough from my school. After spending 30 minutes, finally I arrived at school and the school will be begin in 15 minutes.
1. When did I wake up in the morning?
a. Six o’clock
b. Five thirty
c. A quarter to five
d. Five o’clock
2. When did I finish from taking a bath?
a. Five o’clock
b. Five past to twenty
c. A quarter past five
d. A quarter to five
3. When did I have a breakfast?
a. 5.15
b. 7.00
c. 6.00
d. 6.30
4. My father had gone earlier. What time did my father possible go to his office?
a. 7.00
b. 7.15
c. 6.45
d. 6.00
5. I spent 30 minutes to go to school. What time did I arrive at school?
a. A quarter to seven
b. A quarter pat seven
c. Half past seven
d. Eight o’clock
Kunci jawaban
How much is it?
1. Ten
2. Twenty five
3. Thirty
4. Ninety five
5. One hundred
6. One hundred and twenty
7. Two hundred and fifty
8. Eight hundred and thirty
9. One thousand
10. One thousand and five hundred
1. D
2. E
3. B
4. C
5. A
1. Two thousand and sixty
2. Seventy hundred and three
3. Six hundred and eighty
4. One thousand and seven hundred
5. Three thousand and one hundred
1. Thirty five thousand rupiahs
2. Forty five thousand and five hundred rupiahs
3. Five thousand
4. Seven hundred and fifty thousand rupiahs
5. Two hundred and thirty thousand rupiahs
What time is it?
1. Six ten
2. Half past seven
3. A quarter to nine
4. Nine o’clock
5. A quarter past ten
6. Twelve o’clock
7. Four twenty
8. One fifty
9. Fifteen four
10. A quarter to eight
1. 6.17
2. 5.14
3. 11.50
4. 7.30
5. 7.00
6. 9.00
7. 7.15
8. 6.45
9. 8.30
10. 6.30
1. D
2. C
3. D
4. D
5. C
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