Soal Latihan UN Bahasa Inggris SMA & Kunci Jawaban ~ MBI
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Soal Latihan UN Bahasa Inggris SMA & Kunci Jawaban – Berikut terdapat soal-soal latihan ujian nasional Bahasa Inggris SMA yang bisa Anda jadikan sebagai referensi.
This text is for questions no. 1-3.
To: All English Teachers
There will be a meeting tomorrow, May 3, 2016, at 1 p.m. in the teachers’ room. We are going to discuss the students’ achievement and development since the semester examination is getting closer. We need to discuss the solution for the students who still get less improvement.
Thank you for your attention.
Mr. Lee Keenan
English Teachers Coordinator
1. What is the announcement about?
A. Inviting English teachers to attend meeting about the students’ achievement.
B. Inviting English teachers to discuss the materials for the examination.
C. Asking English teachers to improve the student’s achievement.
D. Asking English teachers to find solution to improve the students’ achievement.
2. Who makes the announcement?
A. The director
B. The headmaster
C. Teachers coordinator
D. All English Teachers
3. If the meeting will be held tomorrow, what date is today?
A. May 1, 2016
B. May 2, 2016
C. May 3, 2016
D. May 4, 2016
This text is for questions no. 4-5.
Bintang street number 20
STAR Children Devepment Consultant
May 5, 2016
Dear, Mrs. Vivian Ferisa
Our company has read your proposal regarding to children development conference. With this letter, we inform that we are interested to be your partner to hold the conference. We will send you email about our concept, plan, and design of the event. We need to have meeting to discuss it. Please kindly inform us your availibility to attend the meeting.
We look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you very much for your kind attention.
Best regards,
Mr. Hemmy Lawanata
4. The purpose of sending the letter is…..
A. enclose the design of the event.
B. confirm the participation in the event as partner.
C. arrange the meeting of an event preparation.
D. inform the date of an event.
5. We know from the text that the theme of the event will be about…..
A. Children party
B. Children development
C. Parenting conference
D. Parents development
This text is for questions no. 6-10.
Ki Hajar Dewantara
Ki Hajar Dewantara is well-known as the father of Indonesian Education. His real name is Raden Mas Suwardi Suryaningrat. When he was 40 years old, he changed his name into Ki Hajar Dewantara. He was born in Yogyakarta, on May 2, 1889. Then, his birth date is commemorated as National Education Day. He was the grandchild of Sultan Pakualam III. Because he was born as a blue-blooded child, he could go school.
Ki hajar dewantara went to ELS school which was the primary school of Netherlands. Then, he continued his study to STOVIA, a medical school for the native of Indonesia. But, during his study at STOVIA, he was sick so that he couldn’t finish it. Ki Hajar Dewantara had ever worked as a journalist in many popular printed media at that time, such as Mideen Java, Sedyotomo, De Ekpress, Kaoem Moeda, Poesara, Oetoesan Hindia, dan Tjahaja Timoer. His writings in those various media were very communicative and critical. Therefore, those could burn the spirit of the society.
After colonial period and Indonesia reached its Independence, he was trusted to be the minister of culture and education. Then, he got an appreciation of the honourable Doctor from Gadjah Mada University. Besides, he was also awarded a title as the father of national education and national hero by President Soekarno over his effort in struggling education for Indonesia. He died on April 26, 1959 in Yogyakarta.
6. What is the type of the text?
A. Narrative text
B. Recount text
C. Biography
D. Autobiography
7. When was he born?
A. May 2, 1889
B. May 2, 1898
C. May 2, 1989
D. May 2, 1880
8. Why did he discontinue his study at STOVIA?
A. because he was sick
B. because he chose to work
C. because he became writer in the newspaper
D. because he studied in Gadjah Mada University
9. Which one is not the media where he worked as journalist?
A. Tjahaya Jakarta
B. Mideen Java
C. Sedyotomo
D. De Ekpress
10. What does the underlined word refer to?
A. celebrated
B. considered
C. announced
D. granted
Answer keys:
1. A
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. B
6. C
7. A
8. A
9. A
10. A
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