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5 Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Orange Juice ~ MBI

5 Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Orange Juice - Sedang mempelajari tentang Bahasa Inggris? Menarik memang bila kita mengupas tentang bahasa yang satu ini, karena bahasa inggris merupakan bahasa Internasional, hingga siapapun tertarik untuk mempelajarinya. Nah dikesempatan yang indah ini Mentor Bahasa Inggris akan coba mengupas mengenai "5 Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Orange Juice" yang mungkin saja saat ini sedang Anda cari.

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Uraian Lengkap 5 Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Orange Juice

5 Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Orange Juice – Bagaimana cara membuat segelas jus jeruk? Anda bisa melihat contoh prosedurnya melalui teks di bawah ini.

Original Orange Juice


1.    6 fresh oranges
2.    40 grams sugar
3.    50 ml water

How to make:

1.    Peel the fresh oranges. Then, remove the seeds.
2.    Put the oranges, sugar, and water into blender.
3.    Blend all of the ingredients in the blender. Blend it for about 2 minutes.
4.    Prepare a glass and pour the juice into the glass
5.    Finally, the original orange juice is ready to serve.

Orange Juice with Soda


1.    3 fresh oranges
2.    40 grams sugar
3.    50 ml water
4.    100 ml soda
5.    Ice cubes

How to make:

1.    First, peel the fresh oranges. Then, remove the seeds.
2.    Second, put the oranges, sugar, water, and ice cubes into blender.
3.    Third, blend all of the ingredients in the blender. Blend it for about 4 minutes.
4.    Fourth, prepare two glasses and pour the juice into the glasses.
5.    Fifth, pour the soda into the glasses.
6.    Finally, sweety orange juice is ready to serve.

Milky Orange Juice


1.    6 fresh oranges
2.    100 ml full cream milk
3.    50 ml water
4.    40 gr sugar
5.    Ice cubes

How to make:

1.    Feel the fresh oranges. Then, remove the seeds.
2.    Next, put the oranges, full cream milk, water, sugar, and ice cubes into the blender.
3.    After that, blend all of the ingredients for 3 minutes.
4.    Then, prepare a big glass and pour the blended milky orange juice into the big glass.
5.    At last, the blended milky orange juice is ready to serve.

Honey Orange Juice


1.    3 fresh oranges
2.    60 ml honey
3.    50 ml water
4.    10 gr sugar
5.    Ice cubes

How to make:

1.    Feel the fresh oranges. Then, remove the seeds.
2.    Put the oranges, water, sugar, and ice cubes into the blender.
3.    Blend all of the ingredients for 3 minutes.
4.    Prepare a big glass and pour the orange juice into the big glass.
5.    Pour the honey into the glass and stir it until it mixes well.
6.    Finally the honey orange juice is ready to serve.

Orange Squash


1.    8 sweet fresh oranges
2.    2 lemons
3.    50 ml liquid sugar
4.    50 ml water
5.    200 ml soda
6.    Ice cubes

How to make:

1.    First, peel the fresh oranges and lemons. Then, remove the seeds.
2.    Second, squeeze the oranges and lemons.
3.    Third, prepare two glasses and pour the squeezed oranges and lemos into the glasses.
4.    Fourth, pour the soda and the liquid sugar into the glasses. Stir it until it mixes well.
5.    Fifth, put the ice cubes into the juice.
6.    At last, the orange squash is ready to serve.

Orange Juice with Strawberry Jelly


1.    8 fresh oranges
2.    50 grams sugar
3.    100 grams strawberry jelly
4.    50 ml water
5.    Ice cubes

How to make:

1.    First, peel the fresh oranges. Then, remove the seeds.
2.    Second, put the oranges, sugar, ice cubes, and water into blender.
3.    Third, blend all of the ingredients in the blender. Blend it for about 3 minutes.
4.    Fourth, prepare two glasses and pour the juice into the glasses
5.    Fifth, put the strawberry jelly into the glasses
6.    Finally, the orange juice with strawberry jelly is ready to serve.

Itulah ulasan tentang 5 Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Orange Juice yang bisa kami sampaikan untuk Anda semuanya. Harapan kami uraian diatas bisa menambah wawasan untuk kita semua, terlebih untuk Anda yang saat ini sedang mencarinya. Kami ucapkan terima kasih karena sudah menyempatkan waktu mampir ke situs mentorbahasainggris. blogspot. com dan membaca ulasan diatas hingga selesai. Sampai jumpa di pembahasan kami selanjutnya dan jangan lupa bahagia.


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