Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris tentang Do, Does, Did beserta Kunci Jawabannya ~ MBI
Kami mengimpun berbagai hal yang berkaitan dengan pembelajaran atau penerapan bahasa inggris. Kali ini kita akan coba membahas tentang Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris tentang Do, Does, Did beserta Kunci Jawabannya. Tertarik untuk mengetahuinya? Jika demikian adanya, maka tidak ada salahnya jika Anda melanjutkan membaca artikel ini hingga selesai supaya bisa memahami dengan baik. Baiklah tidak usah berlama-lama yuk langsung kita simak saja ulasan lengkapnya dibawah ini.
Pembahasan Lengkap Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris tentang Do, Does, Did beserta Kunci Jawabannya
Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris tentang Do, Does, Did beserta Kunci Jawabannya – Do, does, dan did dalam bahasa Inggris umumnya digunakan dalam kalimat tanya (interrogative) dan kalimat negatif (negative sentence). Do dan does digunakan dalam present tense, sedangkan did digunakan dalam past tense. Do, does dan did juga dapat digunakan sebagai penekanan tentang suatu hal dalam kalimat positif (positive sentence) yang menyatakan bahwa hal tersebut benar – benar dilakukan. Agar lebih memahami tentang penggunaannya do, does dan did, berikut adalah latihan soal bahasa Inggris tentang do, does dan did beserta kunci jawabannya.
I. In the conversation below, two friends are talking about the paranormal. Put phrases a) – j) in the correct gaps.
a) didn’t say you thought it was nonsense
b) do you think that
c) she did experience something paranormal
d) do always try to explain everything scientifically
e) don’t believe any paranormal stories though
f) do believe,
g) Do you believe in the paranormal
h) doesn’t mean I think it’s all nonsense
i) I do think some of the stories are true
j) didn’t think about ghosts
A : What about you g) ?
B : I’m not sure. I’ve never seen a ghost or anything, but (1) __________ . A friend of
mine has a strange story. She was in hospital, and two strange nurses came to see her
in the middle of the night. She never saw those nurses again, but she (2) __________
or anything until two years later when she heard that two nurses had died in that
room. So I think (3) _________ . I’m sure you (4) __________ .
A : Why (5) _________ ? I think I (6) __________ actually. OK, I’ve never seen
anything myself, and I probably never will, but that (7) _________ .
B : I (8) __________ , it’s just that I thought you weren’t the sort of person to believe
stories like that – you (9) __________ !
II. Match the spoken extracts (number 1 – 8) to their responses (point a – i), and underline the stressed auxiliary verbs. The stressed verbs may be in either column.
I haven’t bought her a birthday present yet, but I have sent her a card. ¬h)
1. I used to have hair down to my knees, you know. ___
2. I’m sure you don’t remember the last time we met. ___
3. Come in. Do sit down. ___
4. You forgot to post my letter! ___
5. I do like eggs for breakfast. ___
6. She says I don’t have to go. ___
7. You’re not being very helpful. I’d like to speak to the manager. ___
8. She didn’t walk to school this morning. ___ a) I am the manager.
b) I can. It was three years ago.
c) You didn’t! I don’t believe.
d) She did walk. I saw her.
e) Yes, I’m sorry, but I did remember everything else.
f) Mmm, so do I.
g) Well, I think you should.
h) Oh, that’s good.
i) Oh, thank you.
III. In the exercise I, you heard about a ghost story. Read the story in more detail below:
“This happened while I was in hospital after an operation, and one night I was woken up by two nurses in my room. One of them touched my hair which I thought was a bit strange. The next day I told a nurse and she asked me to describe the nurses I’d seen, shich I did. She looked frightened, but said nothing. I was angry and decided to find the nurses, but I couldn’t and I never saw them again. It wasn’t until two years later that someone told me that two nurses had been killed in that hospital ten years before.”
A friend of Carol’s doesn’t believe the story. Fill in the gaps in Carol’s replies in 1 – 3.
You didn’t really see those nurses – you just imagined it.
I did see them. One nurse touched my hair.
1. I don’t think anyone touched your hair. You probably dream it.
_______________________________ . I never remember my dreams.
2. The sister didn’t believe your story, did she?
_______________________________ . She was frightened.
3. I expect you didn’t remember clearly what those nurses looked like.
________________________________ . I can still remember now.
Kunci Jawaban:
1. (i) I do think some of the stories are true
2. (j) didn’t think about ghosts
3. (c) she did experience something paranormal
4. (e) don’t believe any paranormal stories though
5. (b) do you think that
6. (f) do believe,
7. (h) doesn’t mean I think it’s all nonsense
8. (a) didn’t say you thought it was nonsense
9. (d) do always try to explain everything scientifically
1. I used to have hair down to my knees, you know. (c) You didn’t! I don’t believe you.
2. I’m sure you don’t remember the last time we met. (b) I can. It was three years ago.
3. Come in. Do sit down. (i) Oh, thank you.
4. You forgot to post my letter! (e) Yes, I’m sorry, but I did remember everything else.
5. I do like eggs for breakfast. (f) Mmm, so do I.
6. She says I don’t have to go. (g) Well, I think you should.
7. You’re not being very helpful. I’d like to speak to the manager. (a) I am the manager.
8. She didn’t walk to school this morning. (d) She did walk. I saw her.
1. I didn’t dream it.
2. She actually did / She did.
3. I did remember it clearly / I did.
Demikianlah latihan soal bahasa Inggris tentang do, does dan did beserta kunci jawabannya. Semoga latihan soal tersebut dapat membantu menambah pemahaman teman – teman tentang penggunaan do, does dan did. Terima kasih.
Demikian ulasan mengenai Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris tentang Do, Does, Did beserta Kunci Jawabannya yang bisa kami sampaikan untuk Anda semuanya. Kami harap uraian diatas bisa menambah wawasan untuk kita semua, terlebih untuk Anda yang saat ini sedang mencarinya. Tak lupa kami haturkan banyak terima kasih karena sudah menyempatkan waktu mampir ke situs mentorbahasainggris. blogspot. com dan membaca ulasan diatas hingga selesai. Sampai jumpa di pembahasan kami selanjutnya dan jangan lupa bahagia. ARTIKEL PILIHAN PEMBACA :- Penggunaan Going to dan Will dalam Bahasa Inggris ~ MBI
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