Penjelasan Relative Adverb Lengkap! ~ MBI
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Pembahasan Lengkap Penjelasan Relative Adverb Lengkap!
Penjelasan Relative Adverb Lengkap! – Adverb yang menjelaskan relative clause disebut dengan relative adverb. Contohnya: when, where, why, whatever, wherever, etc.
Relative adverbs bertugas sebagai subjek atau objek dalam relative clause, dan pada saat yang bersamaan ia juga menghubungkan relative clause kepada kata benda (noun) atau kata ganti benda (klausa), mirip seperti konjungsi (kata hubung).
A. Relative adverb “where” digunakan setelah kata benda (noun) yang merujuk pada tempat/ tempat/keterangan tempat. Where juga bisa digantikan dengan in/at which.
1. I see the house where she lives.
2. I see the house in which she lives.
3. The house where she lives in is very big.
4. The house in which she lives is very big.
5. That’s the park where they met 9 years ago.
6. That’s the park in which they met 9 years ago.
7. This is the studio where I usually practice playing piano.
8. This is the studio in which I usually practice playing piano.
9. I went to the Marcopolo swimming pool, where I had ever joined swimming competition.
10. I went to the Marcopolo swimming pool, in which I had ever joined swimming competition.
11. Do you know a market where I can buy fresh vegetables?
12. Do you know a market in which I can buy fresh vegetables?
B. Relative adverb, when, digunakan setelah kata benda yang mengacu pada waktu atau tanggal. Relative adverb when bisa digantikan dengan ‘in/on which’.
1. I can’t remember a moment when I was with him.
2. I can’t remember a moment on which I was with him.
3. The most beautiful part of my life was when I found someone right to be my husband.
4. The most beautiful part of my life was on which I found someone right to be my husband.
5. The time when I met my husband for the first time was the best time of my life.
6. The time on which I met my husband for the first time was the best time of my life.
7. I don’t know the day when you arrive
8. I don’t know the day on which you arrive.
9. I will never forget the moment when I met my husband 10 years ago.
10. I will never forget the moment on which I met my husband 10 years ago.
11. There was a torrential rain when my first baby was born.
12. There was a torrential rain on which my first baby was born.
C. The relative adverb why digunakan setelah suatu alasan dinyatakan.
1. There must be some reason why they move to another city.
2. There must be some reason for which they move to another city.
3. Do you know why the baby keeps crying for an hour?
4. Do you know for which the baby keeps crying for an hour?
5. I don’t understand why Kino gets angry with his brother.
6. I don’t understand for which Kino gets angry with his brother.
7. Everybody become to question why they should pay the bill much more than usual.
8. Everybody become to question for which they should pay the bill much more than usual.
9. Jenita asked the teacher why she got a bad score.
10. Jenita asked the teacher for which she got a bad score.
11. Kiki figured why the other students could get perfect score.
12. Kiki figured out for which the other students could get perfect score.
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