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Contoh Report Text About Komodo Terbaru ~ MBI

Contoh Report Text About Komodo Terbaru - Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu bahasa yang paling banyak digunakan oleh seluruh orang didunia, itu sebabnya bahasa inggris dijadikan sebagai bahasa internasional. Belajar bahasa inggris bisa dibilang adalah hal yang cukup penting, baik untuk para siswa atau pun untuk masyarakat umum. Nah situs Mentor Bahasa Inggris (MBI) adalah salah satu media pembelajaran bahasa inggris online yang bisa diakses secara gratis untuk siapapun yang ingin mengenal lebih jauh tentang seluk beluk bahasa inggris.

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Pembahasan Lengkap Contoh Report Text About Komodo Terbaru

Contoh Report Text About Komodo Terbaru – Sebelumnya kita telah membahas mengenai pengertian, ciri – ciri, serta generic structure dari Report Text. Apakah kalian masih ingat apa yang dimaksud dengan Report Text? Ya, Report text merupakan teks dalam Bahasa Inggris yang memberikan informasi mengenai sesuatu berdasarkan pengamatan. Berikut adalah contoh Report Text mengenai komodo.


Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) is a large lizard species found only on a few islands in the Indonesian archipelago. It was first known to the world in the First World War. Komodo is actually a species of ‘Monitor Lizard’ which has grown on the island that was isolated for millions of years, which has caused its body grow so large. Komodo is not only the largest lizard in the world, but is also one of the most aggressive and powerful animal that he was able to hunt prey that has size more than its size itself. However, the existence of komodo dragons are now in danger of extinction due to loss of their natural habitat, poaching, and also a decline in the number of their food.

Komodo dragons are large reptiles that can grow up to three meters long and weighing 150kg. They are very strong with a stocky body, legs and a strong tail that is used for hunting and fighting. Komodo has a long and sharp claws that are curved and often used to dig soil. Komodo also has a greyish brown leather covered small scales and folds around the neck. Komodo has a head that is relatively small compared to the large body size and wide, powerful jaws that hides her mouth filled with deadly bacteria. Although komodo dragons have good eyesight, they tend to rely on odor perceived through long-branched tongue. By removing the tongue out, komodo dragons are able to feel the scent particles in the air to hunt for prey at a distance of up to 8 km. Komodo is known to have fifty types of toxic bacteria in its saliva. Toxic saliva will serve as the main weapon of komodo dragons to hunt their prey. The poisonous saliva is produced by the venom glands present in the mouths of dragons.

Komodo is only found in five islands in Indonesia which are all included in the Komodo National Park. The five islands are Komodo, Rintja, Gillimontang, Padar and the western tip of Flores Island. In all the five islands, the Komodo dragon is often seen in open forests with dry savanna, on the hillside groves, and can also be found inhabiting a dry riverbed.

Komodo is a solitary predator which has strong surf territory up to 2 km per day depending on its size. They are also known as an excellent swimmer, traveling from one island to another with relative distance away. Even though they are solitary animals, an unknown number of dragons will often gather together. When hunting prey, dragons can quietly hide for hours in the vegetation and is well camouflaged by the skin of gray to wait for the prey to pass. Komodo then suddenly attacks the prey with speed and incredible strength. The first attack if komodo dragons usually only hurt their prey with a few bites. Its prey usually will be able to escape. However, due to very deadly bacteria in the mouth of komodo dragons, the prey will die within 24 hours.

When the breeding season comes (in September), male komodo dragons will fight with another males. Fighting is done by standing on their hind legs and propped up by their tails, to win the right to breed with local females. After mating, the female dragons lay up to 25 eggs in a hole its has dug in the soft sand. The eggs will break after incubation period lasts between 8 and 9 months and they will be completely independent when they leave their shells. However, the pups will stay and spend most of their time on the tree until they are big enough to take care of themselves on the ground. Komodo tend to live for an average of 30 years in the wild.

Komodo dragons are carnivores that hunt down and kill large animals to survive in the surrounding natural habitat. Komodo dragons are capable of killing prey much larger than their own bodies. For larger prey, komodo dragons usually only ambush and hurt the body of their prey with a bite that is filled with bacteria. Komodo then follow their prey until it dies due to the deadly bacteria of the mouth of dragons. Large mammals as the preys hunted by komodo dragons are wild pigs, goats, deer and even horses and buffalo. In addition, komodo dragons also hunt for small animals in trees such as snakes, lizards and birds. Komodo’s sharp and jagged teeth make them could not chew. They rip their prey carcasses by pulling back into their mouth and then swallow whole aided by their flexible neck muscles instead.

In fact, komodo dragons are the most dominant predators in the environment habitat. Therefore adult komodo dragons have no natural predators in their natural habitat. Komodo is a cannibal animal. Adult Komodo dragons will devour smaller and vulnerable ones. Thus, the young komodo dragons usually spend most of their time in trees to avoid the larger adult komodo dragons. The biggest threat for komodo dragons come from the loss of habitat due to human development for settlement and farming. Komodo is also threatened by volcanic activity on the islands that are still geologically active which can cause a decrease in their prey species, which in turn affects the komodo dragon populations themselves.

Demikianlah contoh Report Text mengenai hewan komodo. Semoga contoh dari jenis teks tersebut dapat membantu kalian memahami Report text lebih baik lagi. Terima kasih.

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