Contoh Review Text Lagu Cinta dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru ~ MBI
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Pembahasan Lengkap Contoh Review Text Lagu Cinta dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru
Contoh Review Text Lagu Cinta dalam Bahasa Inggris – Bagaimana bila lagu cinta dengan lirik yang sangat menyentuh, kemudian dibuat reviewnya? Yuk kita baca contoh review text berikut ini.
Kita adalah sepasang sepatu
Selalu bersama tak bisa bersatu
Kita mati bagai tak berjiwa
Bergerak karena kaki manusia
Aku sang sepatu kanan
Kamu sang sepatu kiri
Ku senang bila diajak berlari kencang
Tapi aku takut kamu kelelahan
Ku tak masalah bila terkena hujan
Tapi aku takut kamu kedinginan
Ku senang bila diajak berlari kencang
Tapi aku takut kamu kelelahan
Ku tak masalah bila terkena hujan
Tapi aku takut kamu kedinginan
Kita sadar ingin bersama
Tapi tak bisa apa-apa
Terasa lengkap bila kita berdua
Terasa sedih bila kita di rak berbeda
Di dekatmu kotak bagai nirwana
Tapi saling sentuh pun kita tak berdaya
Cinta memang banyak bentuknya
Mungkin tak semua bisa bersatu.
This song is created by tulus, the newest jazzy singer and musician from Indonesia. Usually jazzy music lovers are only enjoy the music. Especially in Indonesia, jazz is one of the music genre that has little of fans. Because this music sometimes concentrate in music, many of the songs in this music isn’t popular. Tulus show different thing in his second album. He isn’t present the easy listening song but he also gives jazz nuance in his song. One of his songs that is very easy listening and has unique lyric is Sepatu. The first time after hearing little bit lyric of this song, people may think that it isn’t a love song, but in the reality this is the very romantic love song. This is one of the good skill that Tulus has.
We can see that there is a mysterious thing in this song. People will be curious after hear the title of this song. If people hear the title of the song like, someone like you from Adelle, love pretender from elvis parsley, or I miss you from blink 182 people surely can guess what the content and the meaning of the song. As the tittle “ sepatu”, this song used kind of goods to representative people who fallin in love. Why “sepatu” ? “sepatu” is one of the goods in the world that has a couple. So the aim of this song writer uses “sepatu” to describe and represents man and woman who always be together but can’t be alied. “Kita adalah sepasang sepatu, Selalu bersama tak bisa bersatu”. That lyric tulus delivered people with “sepatu”.
“Aku sang sepatu kanan, Kamu sang sepatu kiri”. That lyric described togetherness between man and woman. Many of the other love songs usually in that lyric was described by roses. But in this song, Tulus uses “sepatu as the media of expressing feeling. This is the unique thing, because people almost could not imagine that “sepatu” can be also used as figurative language to make a love song.
The next lyric describes a couple which really wants to meet. They cannot meet because of something. It is describe by “kita sadar ingin bersama, tapi tak bisa apa-apa. They will be sad if they are in different place. It is expressed by “terasa lengkap bila kita berbeda, terasa edih bila kita di rak berbeda.”
The writer can conclude that tulus’s song is the very unique jazz song. This song can use goods as a media of making love song. It makes the people who hear the song become curious. Although it isn’t represent from the thing that has relationship with love, but the whole lyric is very romantic and people can enjoy it very much.
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