Ratusan Sinonim Bahasa Inggris Paling Umum Digunakan ~ MBI
Kami mengimpun berbagai hal yang berkaitan dengan pembelajaran atau penerapan bahasa inggris. Kali ini kita akan coba membahas tentang Ratusan Sinonim Bahasa Inggris Paling Umum Digunakan. Tertarik untuk mengetahuinya? Jika demikian adanya, maka tidak ada salahnya jika Anda melanjutkan membaca artikel ini hingga selesai supaya bisa memahami dengan baik. Baiklah tidak usah berlama-lama yuk langsung kita simak saja ulasan lengkapnya dibawah ini.
Pembahasan Lengkap Ratusan Sinonim Bahasa Inggris Paling Umum Digunakan
Cara mudah belajar bahasa Inggris – Sinonim bahasa Inggris merupakan sebuah hal yang amat penting dalam ruang lingkup kosakata bahasa Inggris. Seringkali, ketika kita menemukan suatu kata kemudian mencarinya di kamus, dan ternyata kata tersebut mempunyai sinonim dengan kosakata bahasa Inggris yang telah kita ketahui.
Tentu sangat mudah apabila Anda mengetahui daftar sinonim untuk beberapa kata dalam bahasa Inggris. Kemudian, di bawah ini kami berinisiatif untuk membantu Anda dengan menghadirkan kumpulan sinonim bahasa Inggris yang umum digunakan. Kami temukan dari sebuah artikel di website www.englisch-hilfen.de. Selamat membaca daftar sinonim bahasa Inggris berikut ini. Kalau sulit mengartikannya, silakan gunakan kamus di samping kanan atas.
Kata | Sinonim |
about | approximately |
abstract | summary |
accomplish | achieve |
accumulate | build up |
administer | manage |
admit | confess |
almost | nearly |
animated | lively |
annoy | irritate, bother |
answer | reply |
anyway | besides |
apparent | obvious |
appear | seem |
applicable | relevant |
appreciable | considerable |
ardour | passion |
arise | occur |
aromatic | fragrant |
arrive | reach |
artful | crafty |
association | organization |
assure | guarantee |
attractive | appealing |
away | absent |
awful | terrible |
backbone | spine |
backside | behind, bottom |
bad (not good) | poor, naughty |
ballot | poll |
bear on sth. | affect |
beat | defeat |
becoming | fitting |
begin | start |
behave | act |
believable | plausible |
belly | stomach |
bendy | flexible |
beneficiant | generous |
beneficial | favourable |
bid | tender |
bizarre | weird |
blameless | innocent |
bloodbath | massacre |
bloodless | cold |
branch | department |
brave | courageous |
bring back | reintroduce |
bring on | cause |
bring up | raise |
brow | forehead |
bum | backside, behind, bottom |
business | commerce, trade |
busy (telephone) | engaged |
candy | sweet |
categorise (BE) | classify |
charter | constitution |
cheesy | corny, tacky |
chiefly | mainly |
choosy | picky |
chop | cut |
chorus | refrain |
citation | quotation |
cite | quote |
class | lesson, course |
clerk | receptionist |
clever | intelligent |
close | shut |
coiffure | hairstyle |
collapse | break down |
collect | gather |
comfort | consolation |
comic | comedian |
commencement | graduation |
complete | total |
completely | totally |
concord | harmony |
condemn | sentence |
confederate | accomplice |
confine | restrict |
conflict | clash |
conform | comply |
confuse | mix up |
connect | associate, put through (telephone) |
considerate | thoughtful |
constancy | fidelity |
constant | fixed |
constitution | structure |
construction | interpretation |
consult | refer to |
contemporary | modern |
continuous | continual |
contrary | opposite |
convention | conference |
convey | communicate |
cope | manage |
correct | right |
couch | sofa |
crook | criminal |
crusade | campaign |
cube | dice |
curative | healing |
curler | roller |
cussed | stubborn |
dash | sprint |
daybreak | dawn |
deceptive | misleading |
decontrol | deregulate |
dedicated | committed |
deduce | infer |
defective | faulty |
deliberate | planned |
deliberately | intentionally |
delicate | fragile |
demostrate | protest |
denationalize | |
denationalise (BE) | privatize |
denims | jeans |
denote | indicate, represent |
deprave | corrupt |
depraved | wicked, evil |
desert | abandon |
deserted | abandoned |
destiny | fate |
detached | indifferent |
devil | satan |
dicy | risky |
differentiate | distinguish |
diminish | decrease |
disadvantaged | deprived |
disagreeable | unpleasant |
disappear | vanish |
disaster | catastrophe |
disclaim | deny |
disclose | reveal |
discount | reduction |
disgrace | shame |
domesticate | cultivate |
dossier | file |
dubious | doubtful |
dull (person) | stupid |
E | |
eager | keen |
earth | soil |
ecocnomic | profitable |
egocentric | selfish |
elevate | raise, promote |
emphasise | |
emphasize | stress |
encounter | come across |
enormous | huge, immense |
enquire | investigate |
equity | fairness |
especially | particularly |
essential | fundamental |
establish | set up |
evaluate | assess |
everlasting | eternal |
exactly | precisely |
except | apart from |
expire | run out |
explode | blow up |
extra | additional |
F | |
fabricate | manufacture |
famous | famed, renowned |
fanatic | enthusiast |
fantastic | great, brilliant |
float | drift |
fool | idiot |
foolish | silly |
forehead | brow |
foretell | predict |
formerly | previously |
fortunate | lucky |
foxy | cunning |
foyer | lobby |
fragrance | perfume |
French dressing | vinaigrette |
function | operate |
garbage | rubbish |
gay | homosexual |
glitter | sparkle |
grab | seize |
grasping | greedy |
gratis | free of charge |
gratuity | tip |
gravestone | headstone |
grouse | grumble |
gut | intestine |
H | |
hall | corridor |
hand sth. out | distribute |
handsome | good-looking |
hang-out | haunt |
happily | fortunately |
hard | tough |
hashish | cannabis |
hawk | peddle |
hazard | endanger |
hearsay | rumour |
hermetic | airtight |
highbrow | intellectual |
hint | trace, tip |
hole | gap |
home | domestic |
homicide | murder |
housebreaking | burglary |
hunger | starvation |
hurry | rush |
hypothesis | speculation |
I | |
idler | loafer |
if | whether |
ignore | disregard |
illiberal | intolerant |
illuminate | clarify; light up |
illustrate | demonstrate |
imagine | suppose, assume |
imitate | mimic |
immediate | instant |
immobile | motionless |
immoderate | excessive |
immodest | conceited |
impact | affect |
impartial | neutral |
impasse | deadlock |
impassive | emotionless |
impeach | question |
impediment | obstacle |
imperative | vital |
impolite | rude |
incidentally | by the way |
inconsiderate | thoughtless |
indisputable | indeniable |
infamous | notorious |
infantile | childish |
infect | contaminate |
inflexible | rigid |
inflow | influx |
informal | casual |
infrequent | rare |
inheritor | heir |
innocent | harmless |
insolvent | bancrupt |
inspect | examine |
instinct | intuition |
instructions | directions |
insufferable | unbearable |
insufficient | inadequate |
insupportable | intolerable |
insurgent | rebel |
intend | mean |
intensify | heighten |
interplay | interaction |
inventory | stock |
invoice | bill |
ivolve | entail |
isolated | loney |
jealous | envious |
joy | delight |
K | |
knowingly | deliberately |
lacking | missing |
last | final |
leading | main |
learn | memorize |
legitimate | valid, lega |
lethal | deadly |
liveable | habitable |
livid | furious |
loopy | crazy |
lousy | awful |
lucid | clear |
intellectual | mental |
mackintosh | waterproof coat |
madness | insanity |
magican | conjuror |
magistrate | Justice of the Peace |
magnify | exaggerate |
maintain | preserve |
manmade | artifical |
mannequin | model |
material | fabric |
matters | things |
maybe | perhaps, possibly |
in the meantime | meanwhile |
measure | degree |
meeting | assembly |
mendacity | lying |
merciless | cruel |
middleman | intermediary |
midway | halfway |
migrate | emigrate |
mild | gentle |
mimic | imitate |
mind | intellect |
mindless | senseless |
minimize | play down |
mirror | reflect |
misconceive | misunderstand |
miserable | depressing |
misery | distress |
misread | misinterpret |
missing | lost |
mistrust | distrust |
mo (AE) | moment |
moderately | reasonably |
modern | contemporary |
more and more | increasingly |
moreover | in addition |
movie | film |
murderer | assassin |
naked | bare |
nameless | anonymous |
napkin | serviette |
narrate | relate |
a narrative | a story |
a native | a local |
near | approach |
necessary | essential |
nightfall | dusk |
nobility | the Aristocracy |
nominate | appoint |
non-stop | continuous |
noon | midday |
noted | famous |
notify | inform |
notwithstanding | however |
nugatory | worthless |
numerous | many |
obdurate | stubborn |
object | thing |
obligatory | compulsory |
oblique | indirect |
omnipotent | all-powerful |
obsolete | out of date |
off-season | low season |
operate | function |
organic | biological |
ornament | decoration |
outside | external |
overhaul | overtake |
overlook | miss |
overseas | abroad |
oversee | supervise |
painting | portray |
paper money | notes |
particular | specific |
passable | satisfactory |
pattern | sample |
peaceable | peaceful |
perception | insight |
phantasm | illusion |
pocket book | notebook |
poisonous | toxic |
possibility | opportunity |
post-mortem | autopsy |
practically | virtually |
praise | compliment |
precedence | priority |
precept | principle |
precis | summary |
pressing | urgent |
previous | preceding |
priority | precedence |
prompt | immediate |
prosperous | affluent |
provide | supply |
provided | if |
put sth. back | postpone |
quake | tremble |
quite | fairly |
reasonable | fair |
receive | get |
refrain | chorus |
reliable | dependable |
religious | devout |
remainder | the rest |
remark | comment |
reminiscence | memory |
remorse | regret |
remoted | isolated |
removable | detachable |
renew | resume |
renounce | give up |
repute | reputation |
respond | reply |
revolting | disgusting |
rubbish | nonsense |
rude | impolite |
rue | regret |
sacristy | vestry |
satisfied | convinced |
scarcity | shortage |
scrumptious | delicious |
second | moment |
select | choose |
selection | choice |
self-assured | confident |
signal | sign |
significant | meaningful |
silly | foolish |
sincere | honest |
skull | cranium |
soiled | dirty |
spotlight | highlight |
stable | steady |
steady | regular |
stupid | silly |
substantially | considerably |
suggest | propose |
sundown | sunset |
sunrise | dawn |
sure | certain |
surroundings | environment |
survive | outlive |
symbolize | represent |
tailored | tailor-made |
temper | mood |
terror | terrorism |
testament | testomony |
today | nowadays |
torpid | lethargic |
touchdown | landing |
touchy | sensitive |
transform | convert |
transitority | temporary |
transparent | obvious |
trustworthy | reliable |
twister | tornado |
twosome | pair |
ultimate | final |
uncared for | neglected |
uncommon | unusual |
uncooked | raw |
undeniable | indisputable |
understandable | comprehensible |
unforeseen | unexpected |
unfortunate | unlucky |
unhurt | unharmed |
uninjured | unhurt |
unlawful | illegal |
unmarried | single |
unstated | unspoken |
untimely | premature |
untrue | unfaithful |
unusual | strange |
unvoiced | voiceless |
uprising | rebellion |
usually | generally,normally |
vacancy | emptiness |
vacuum | hoover |
vague | indistinct |
vain | useless |
valueless | worthless |
vanquish | conquer |
vary | differ |
vast | huge |
virtue | advantage |
visualize | imagine |
warrantly | guarantee |
well mannered | polite |
well timed | timely |
winery | vineyard |
withstand | resist |
zenith | peak |
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